Days of Our Lives: Weekly Preview from Denial Island
G’day Days fans and welcome to this week’s Days of our Lives episode Preview from Denial Island (May 26-30). Well, after all my excitement over last week’s episodes, I’m not sure I can take much more this week – which is probably a good thing because by the look of the spoilers, this week’s shaping up to need the FF button. Actually, that might be due to the resumption of Sami groveling to Lucas, *sigh* the less said about that better, I'm just as over the fan wars.
The Drug Bust at Salem Pier
For me this is the storyline I’m most looking forward to - snarky Jawn has been set up by Victor 2.0 (Philip) and gets arrested for allegedly trafficking cocaine in his shipments. To add insult to injury, Jawn lets some of his aggression out on the wrong man in blue, Rotox, which only adds to the list of charges and, I’m betting, Jawn’s snarky mood. To add even further insult to injury, Marlena helps Rotox taken Jawn down after he refuses to go to the station. Isn't it handy to have a doctor in the house; she jabs him in the back with a sedative!! Oh I can’t wait to see what brilliant one-liners Jawn comes up with when he finally wakes up shackled to a chair… hee hee!
Baby Joe Johnson
Alright, so this is my second most anticipated storyline of the week – I can’t help myself. Long-term readers of the View from Denial Island may remember how cynical as I was of the Steve and Kayla baby storyline, but I’ll admit I am really enjoying watching the heart-wrenching struggle by Kayla, being separated from her newborn son since his birth. Poor Kayla, she is well enough to be discharged this week, but refuses to leave without seeing Baby Joe – and I don’t blame her.
I’ll just get this over with! When we left the newly reunited couple on Friday’s episode, they were locking lips… aww sweet, I always like my kissing with a side of slurping (oh that’s a little uncharitable isn’t it, oh well, you’ll all get over it). After having another heart to heart with Lucas, where Sami admits something that’s been obvious to just about everyone BUT Sami – that she has feelings for EJ – she signs annulment papers to prove that it’s Lucas that she wants. Meanwhile, EJ finds more lovely ladies of Salem to form allies with – the newest one being Ava, who makes him an offer he can’t refuse. I’d just like to make a plea on behalf of EJ, can someone please find him a guy friend? Has he no one to talk to but the female population of Salem!? Granted, he has brought this situation on himself, but this week he’s even going to cop advice from Marlena. She tries to convince him he should give Sami and Lucas some space – and since Lucas can’t leave the house, EJ might just have to. Wont stop him from telling Nicole that he’s not giving up on Sami. Go EJ! Get your girl! I want more EJami luuurve!
Chloe vs Nicole
Cat fight alert! Cat fight alert!Chloe is upset when she receives the heave-ho divorce papers from DruggieBrady, and quickly finds comfort in bed-buddy Philip. While they make nice with each other, Nicole walks in and catches them at it. I repeat! Cat fight alert! Cat fight alert! It gets so good that Philip intervenes, carrying Nicole out of the room. I don’t know about you, but that says to me Nicole wins! Meanwhile, Nicole makes nice with new friend Ava, bonding over the lack of men in their lives. This could be an interesting friendship... If only Sami could join in, they could be the new Witches of Eastwick... can't you just see the three of them around a cauldron cackling? LOL!
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In other, shorter storylines:
- Tony and Anna celebrate their nuptials – really? Do we not get to see it? Awww crap!
- Nick celebrates receiving his grant from Dean Robbins (played by Roscoe Born) at a function at Chez Rouge
- Marlena and Ava have a chat at DiMansion
Coming Up Next Week:
- Lucas and Allie are taken into custody
- EJ learns the hard way, not to trust Nicole
- Bad news about Baby Joe?
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Brooke's All Important Disclaimer: All opinions in this blog are mine and are tainted with the after-effects of the hawt EJami luuurve scenes from last week