Jason Morgan's T-Shirt Gets Its Own Day-After-Thanksgiving SOAPnet Marathon
What better way to fight off all that post-Turkey Day lethargy, than by prying your eyes open with the toothpicks your Mom uses to keep the Deviled Eggs together, to watch a SOAPnet marathon starring—Jason Morgan's (Steve Burton) black T-shirt from General Hospital. Sometimes they make my job too easy.
On Friday, Nov. 26 from 7 pm-12 am, SOAPnet will be airing "Black T-Shirt Friday: A Jason Morgan Marathon". To find out what exciting, historical, Port Charlesian moments from the storied past of Super Jase's T will be highlighted, keep reading. Personally, my fave moment for Jason's black T-shirt was the time it stopped the Cassadine's parka from freezing the world. No, wait, it was the time it was visited by Casey The Alien's beret, yeah, that was ICONIC!
"Black T-Shirt Friday" Jason Morgan Marathon episodes airing Friday, November 26 include:
7PM – General Hospital Episode #1996-8430 (Original Air Date March 7, 1996) - Soon after suffering brain injuries in a car accident, Jason visits his new friend, Sonny. When the Quartermaines have the police bring him home, he finds their concern stifling. In response, Jason defiantly rides his new motorcycle into their living room.
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8PM – General Hospital Episode #1997-8488 (OAD May 28, 1996) - After a night of passion, Jason and Carly set the ground rules for their no strings attached relationship.
9PM – General Hospital Episode #1997-8793 (OAD August 1,1997) - Jason and Robin tearfully break up after Robin begs Sonny to fire Jason to protect him from Sonny’s dangerous lifestyle.
10PM – General Hospital Episode #2005-10914 (OAD November 8, 2005) - Despite severe pain from his own brain injury, Jason saves both Robin and Sam in the aftermath of a major train crash.
11PM – General Hospital Episode #2005-10922 (OAD November 18, 2005) - Jason’s loved ones are relieved to learn he survived the train tunnel collapse. He then proposes to Sam before beginning experimental brain treatment.