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The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Billy Plays Hardball!

Chelsea/Billy/Victoria: As we all know, DNA doesn't lie! Billy knocked up Chelsea. The interloper admits she drugged him and had sex with him, getting pregnant as a result. Chelsea wants $3 million from the Abbott playboy in order to skip town and take care of the baby. Billy flips it on her, saying he isn't paying her a dime. Instead, he and Victoria plan to adopt the baby. Chelsea isn't expecting Billy's counter offer, and decides to mull it over. Later, she calls her co-conspirator (Her mama!) and lets her know their plan has hit a baby bump!

Victor/Sharon/Adam: Genoa City's gruesome twosome continue with their plans to get hitched, however Sharon still has feelings for Adam.


Adam/Tucker: The pair hatch an illegal business deal. Adam's grab for power at Newman Enterprises may just land him in Victor's web of deception.

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