Liam is Over the Moon...For Now on The Bold and the Beautiful
Liam is beyond excited to find out he and Steffy are going to be parents.
Bill is still sulking in his office about Steffy. Wyatt is complaining he has to do Liam's work. Bill snaps at Wyatt, who tells his father he has to move on.
Thorne, Rick, and Maya are talking about Brooke's impending engagement. Thorne vows to stop it. He reminds Rick they are the real Forrester brothers. He fills them in on why Bridge fell apart in Australia.
Ridge and Brooke are in bed celebrating said engagement. Luckily, Brooke remembers she's married and has to get divorced first. They wonder why Bill hasn't reached out to her. Ridge thinks he has to do something about it.
Rick admits he's happy his mother broke it off with Ridge. Maya thinks Thorne has feelings for her, which he doesn't deny. Rick thinks Brooke is rushing into a new relationship and hopes Ridge isn't pushing her. Thorne keeps droning on about how bad Ridge is for her, whilst he is the one to save her. Rick and Maya put their balls in Thorne's court.
At home, Liam is ready to start planning for a nursery. He tries to contain his excitement because of their past miscarriage. Steffy hugs him with fear in her eyes.
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Catch you on Wednesday!
On the next B&B...