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Days of Our LivesFreddie Smith (Sonny Kiriakis) is weighing in on recent changes. Back in February, Smith announced that he and co-star Chandler Massey (Will Horton) are headed out of Salem. Smith weighed in the sudden changes to

Recently, though, Daytime Confidential broke news of the departure of former co-executive producer Greg MengGreg Vaughan (Eric Brady) is now out - as are veteran actress Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady) and her former on-screen love interest Galen Gering (Rafe Hernandez). 

Smith shared:

I’ve been able to look back and, especially seeing the shakeup that’s going on over there, I think that these were very tough behind-the-scenes discussions between the network or the producers. I’m not sure, but it looks like they are shaking things up. I like to look at it as they’re resting our characters and that we could potentially come back. I feel fortunate to never have been rested in nine years, so that’s pretty amazing. I did take that break in 2015 where it was my choice, but I think that’s what it was — that they had to make a decision.

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It’s such a big moment. I’m not going to answer that one because it’s such a huge moment. I don’t know what I can or cannot share.