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Sunny Hostin slammed former employer CNN for its upcoming town hall with ex-President Donald Trump. On Thursday's episode of The View, the panel discussed the on-air town hall being held in New Hampshire and airing CNN. 

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg chided the event for happening and stated:

What is the point of this new town hall that he’s doing? And did we learn nothing from Les Moonves saying, ‘Bad for the country, but great for the network?'

Hostin didn't hold back. She slammed the decision and said she was "disgusted" by the ordeal. According to Hostin:

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Well, that’s what I’m so disgusted by. When someone shows you who they are, you believe them. When you show that you are an insurrectionist, that you’re a liar, that you’re a bigot, that you’re a racist, that you’re sexist, that you’re twice impeached, that you are currently a criminal defendant and likely to be a criminal defendant in two other jurisdictions and you grab women by their genitals, I know everything I need to know about you!

Hostin further went on to say: 

I don’t think that you give that type of person a platform. You don’t do that. And I’m actually dismayed that CNN on May 10 at eight o’clock is going to be giving — I just did a commercial for them — I can’t believe that they are giving him this platform.

See Joy Behar's take, which may surprise you, below.