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On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful recap:

Deacon is impressed by Taylor’s therapy skills. Taylor gets flirty and says she’s world renowned. She also believes in what they’re discussing. Deacon lights up when he talks about Brooke. Taylor thinks it would be cool if Deacon could help put Brooke’s family back together - since Brooke was the great love of his life.

Flashback: Decaon and Brooke making sweet love by the fire.

Deacon wonders whether he could actually have another shot with Brooke. Taylor thinks he’s set himself up to win her back but won’t ever know unless he takes a shot. Taylor thinks he could go visit Hope and test the waters. Deacon immediately thinks Taylor is trying to leave the door open for her to reunite with Ridge. Taylor will always love Ridge but has learned lessons from his attempts at destiny with Brooke.

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