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Perkie’s Observations: Laura is Blindsided to Learn She Was Fooled by Esme on General Hospital

General Hospital Recap for January 29, 2024
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Genie Francis

Genie Francis

On today’s General Hospital recap:

Tracy and Alexis join the hearing and are surprised by the latest news that Mr. Muldoon saw an oncologist before seeing Finn. Alexis feels most of the evidence is circumstantial and Tracy tells Martin to put the widow on the stand to push her to admit she knew.

Mrs. Muldoon confronts Finn, telling him to plead guilty. Finn says he told her husband to get further tests done. Mrs. Muldoon says it was her husband's idea to sue Finn to protect their children's futures.

Martin tells Diane he's calling Dr. Powell to the stand, but she doesn't react to the oncologist's name. Finn tells Martin he doesn't think Mrs. Muldoon was involved and is worried what will happen to her kids if she goes to prison. Tracy reminds Finn he has his own daughter to think about.

Finn tells Liz he doesn't want the widow to go to prison since she's all her kids have. Liz is angrier about Mr. Muldoon setting it up for Finn to pay. Tracy corrals the widow in the hallway for a word.

Curtis' physical therapist, Ben, tells him the surgery confirmed his body is capable of recovering from the injury. Curtis thinks he should try to stand up as Stella arrives. She tells him he's getting ahead of himself. Ben helps Curtis to stand up but he's not able to move his feet.

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Stella tells Curtis he needs to be patient with his recovery. Curtis says the surgery has renewed his hope and wants to move forward. Stella accuses him of feeling sorry for himself and tells him to keep at it. Curtis declares he'll be walking by the time Trina returns from Paris. 

Previous General Hospital (GH) Recap: Spencer and Trina Arrive in Paris

Kevin wakes up and tells Laura that Esme is responsible. She can't believe she fell for Esme's lies. She believes losing Ace pushed Esme over the edge. Kevin doesn't think Esme would have gone to Toronto and thinks there is something he's not remembering.

Kevin reviews the details with Detective Bennett and remembers seeing Esme with The Invader corporate credit card.

Dante and Chase speak to Maggie and ask about Esme. Maggie says she hasn't seen Esme in years. Dante says they have a letter from Maggie to Esme, but she says she never wrote Esme.

Dante calls Laura to update her and says they think Esme is trying to track down Nikolas. Laura tells him about Esme stealing the corporate credit card. Alexis is summoned and she has the credit card information showing Esme bought a plane ticket to Paris. Laura realizes Esme is going to find Spencer and Trina.

Spencer and Trina head to a restaurant where they enjoy a meal and time alone. When they leave the restaurant, Esme follows them. (Good thing there's only one restaurant in all of Paris, so it was easy for her to find them) 

Keep checking back for the latest General Hospital recaps!