Days of Our Lives Recap: The Horton Family Revisits Their History
On today's Days of Our Lives recap:
Spring 1930, Salem – Park: A young Tom and Alice Horton enter and spread out a blanket for a picnic. She tells him not to fill up on the main course as she made donuts from a new recipe, she hasn’t quite yet perfected. Tom and Alice exchange I love yous.
Spring 1931, Salem – Park: A pregnant Alice arrives with a picnic basket when Tom scolds her a bit for carrying the heavy load. They take a seat and Alice discusses their upcoming bundle of joy. Alice asks if Tom still finds her attractive and he refers to her as a “red hot tomato.”
Spring 1932, Salem – Park: Tom approaches as Alice sits reading a book. They discuss their family of four and Alice corrects him by saying there will soon be a family of five. Tom says they will need to move from their apartment to a house.
Christmas 1933, Salem – Park: Tom and Alice walk and discuss the suffering so many are experiencing. She thinks after the kids are out of the house, Alice wants to run a center to help those in need. Alice has a surprise for Tom and show him Christmas ornaments for their children. She thinks they should add ornaments each year for their new family members. Tom loves the idea but thinks they will need a much bigger house.
Christmas 1934, Salem – Park: Alice is talking about the Christmas gifts she bought for their children. Just then, she notices the house they wanted was sold. Tom surprises her with a key saying the house belongs to them.
Kiriakis Mansion: Maggie, Doug and Julie are in the living room discussing Holly’s return to Salem. They’re all thrilled she’s back and close to family. They shift to discuss returning to the Horton house as the inspectors have said it’s safe.
Horton House: Maggie, Julie and Doug arrive at the house and find it in tatters. Doug thanks God they all still have each other. They’re startled by a noise when a firefighter enters. Julie asks if it’s safe for them to be there when the fireman goes to a chair and sits it upright. They’re all excited the chair survived and Julie notes it was her grandmother’s. The firefighter says it was actually Tom’s chair and he gave it to Alice. With that, he removes his helmet and it’s Lucas! They’re freaked out and he says his exit from prison is a long story but he knew his family needed him. Lucas recalls how wonderful the family was to him when he found out he was a Horton, especially Alice.
Flashback: Lucas attends a 4th of July party at the house and Alice welcomes him with open arms (Squeal!).
Lucas says being a Horton means everything to him. Julie and Maggie comment on how much the house means to them and their history. Lucas says they can’t tell anyone he was there. He explains he was released from prison under “special circumstances.” They promise to keep his presence to themselves, and Lucas exits to change clothes.
Flashback: Julie reminding Alice of how much trouble she caused when she was younger. Alice agrees she had a rebellious side which was probably due to her parents being gone so much.
In real time, Kate and Roman arrive and Maggie and Julie show them the chair that survived the fire. Just then, a normally clothed Lucas returns. Kate mentions Clyde which unnerves Julie and Maggie, who once again assure Lucas they won’t say anything about his being there. With that, Roman, Kate, Lucas and Julie head over to check out the state of the kitchen appliances. Just then, Marlena and John arrive (Does anyone else remember how much Maggie used to irritate Marlena? It makes me giggle!). Maggie says Kate and Roman brought donuts as well. Marlena cuts her off and says they know (giggle). Marlena goes on to recall how Tom and Alice were like family to her when she arrived from Colorado.
Flashback: Marlena updates Tom and Alice on Mickey’s condition. They worry about Maggie waiting on Mickey’s recovery and the reality he might not be the same person she married.
Maggie tells Marlena how integral she was to Mickey’s recovery. Marlena smiles and notes how, all these years later, they are standing in front of the most iconic chair in all of Salem.
Marlena tells John she can’t believe it’s been thirty years since they lived next door. Just then, Chad and Thomas arrive and are greeted by Lucas. Chad sends Lucas and Thomas upstairs. Chad tells Lucas about Leo’s impending arrival and asks he not bring Thomas back down until Leo exits (After he gave your kid tooth fairy money? Really?). Just then, Leo arrives saying he took photos outside the house. Julie walks in and wonders why Leo is there. Chad says Leo’s there only because he wants to learn about the Horton family history.
Julie sits with Doug and tells Leo (with Maggie standing behind) that Tom and Alice Horton got married as teenage sweethearts on March 7, 1930. Julie explains how they lived in a tiny apartment during the depression. The family began with Addie and her brother Tom, followed by Mickey who was married to both Laura and Maggie. She continues explaining the entire family tree. Doug mentions Bill Horton is responsible for bringing him to Salem as they met in prison. Julie jumps in saying the leopard changed his spots. She goes on to mention how Marie Horton fell in love with her brother Tommy who had been lost in the Korean War.
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Leo asks how Julie became a part of the Horton family. She explains Julie’s mother Addie actually married Doug. After she died, Julie and Doug hooked up and have been together ever since. Maggie and Doug explain to Leo just how much drama has been a part of the Horton family history. Just then, Doug mentions the song that was so much a part of the Horton family history. Julie encourages him to sing a few bars and he goes into, “Always.” Maggie and Julie join in and Leo asks if it would be ok if he wrote an article about the Horton family history. He promises to do them justice. Julie agrees as long as Chad approves the final copy. With that, Maggie escorts Leo out.
Flashback: Tom, Alice and Doug singing, “Always.”
Roman and Kate return and say all the appliances need to be replaced but the insurance will cover it. Maggie says Lucas is still upstairs with Thomas. Chad says the kids have, unfortunately, been through trauma and will get through this fire. Just then, John and Marlena return with the Christmas ornaments from the cellar and they’re all intact!
Flashback: Tom and Alice adding ornaments to the tree for each new grandchild.
Maggie and Julie celebrate the continued existence of the first five ornaments to go on the tree, as well as the newest for Sarah’s baby, Victoria.
Brady Pub: Kate and Roman embrace and discuss their romantic evening when John and Marlena arrive. They’re all headed to the Horton house to help with the clean up. John and Roman discuss how the fire has been ruled an arson. Roman notes the Horton house almost burned down in 1986 and John follows up saying Orpheus planted a bomb at their house (next door to the Horton house) but they caught it before it engulfed Tom and Alice’s place. Marlena notes Abe was there in ’86 and says they invited him to join today with the thought it may jog his memory. Kate asks if he accepted, and Marlena says Paulina had a heart attack the night before.
The foursome tell stories about their times with Tom and Alice and how those experiences and the advice they got helped shape them.
The Spectator: Leo is bouncing a ball on a racquet when Chad and Thomas arrive. Thomas exits to retrieve a toy and Chad hopes it wasn’t actually lost in the fire. Leo asks how Chad is holding up and he says he’s only concerned with supporting his kids. He blames himself for the fire as they published the article implicating Clyde. Chad thinks he put his entire family in danger, but Leo says he was only doing his job.
Leo tells Chadwick to stop blaming himself for the fire as he knows he would literally walk through fire for his family. Just then, Thomas comes back and Leo notices he has a loose tooth. Leo offers to pay up and they snark back and forth about the money he offers up. Thomas thanks the “tooth fairy” and they discuss heading over to the house. Leo says he would like to join them as he wants to learn more about the history of the Horton family. With that, they exit.
Thomas is messing around with the fire poker. Chad tells him to stand down but he hits the fireplace hard which causes a box to fall from the chimney. Lucas goes over and realizes it’s a time capsule place there by Alice in 1966 and should only be opened on or after 2016.
Previous Days of Our Lives (DAYS) Recap: Ava Learns Tripp is Missing
Maggie tells Julie she was sitting in the living room when Tom passed away.
Flashback: Maggie enters the room to find Alice in “the chair.”
Leo is back at The Spectator writing his story about the history of the Horton family and their house at 545 Sycamore Street. Theirs is a legacy that can’t ever be destroyed.
February 1935 – 545 Sycamore Street: Tom carries Alice over the threshold and into the, now iconic, living room. Tom welcomes her to their new house. Alice says brick and mortar make a house but only a family can make a home.
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