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Days of Our Lives Recap: Konstantin Tells John He Murdered Katarina

Days of Our Lives Recap for March 15, 2024
Drake Hogestyn

Drake Hogestyn

On today’s Days of Our Lives recap:

Salem PD – Lobby: Harris and Jada talk about Clyde’s escape and how they have no clue of his location. Jada says they found Goldman’s car but couldn’t find any helpful clues. Harris think Clyde will stay local to keep eyes and ears on his people. With that, Harris exits.

Salem PD – Interrogation Room: Theresa and Brady are furious with Tate for breaking out of the halfway house and stealing the phone. He may very well have his bail revoked and return to jail. Tate knowingly asks his parents what they would have done in the same situation. He only wanted Holly to tell the truth so he could go home. Tate goes into a bit of a rage and thinks he’s a loser who has ruined his life.

DiMera Mansion – Holly’s Room: EJ and Nicole arrive to speak condescendingly to Holly about the situation with Tate. She says it’s all a big misunderstanding, but EJ says Tate broke in and he did what needed to be done. He manages to say with a straight face that people who break the law should be punished. Holly continues to try to save Tate without implicating herself.

EJ exits and Nicole promises to talk to him about Tate. Holly says she remembers having a good time with Tate on New Year’s Eve. Nicole thinks Holly is covering for Tate to get EJ to back down. Holly insists she doesn’t remember what happened but knows Tate is not responsible. With that, Nicole exits to grab Holly some food. Afterwards, Holly grabs her coat and makes her own exit (These two have really solid mother/daughter chemistry).

Nicole returns to find Holly gone.

DiMera Mansion – Living Room: EJ arrives to find Harris waiting. He wants to know where Stefan is, but EJ says he hasn’t seen his brother in days. Harris thinks Stefan and Clyde’s similarly timed disappearances are suspicious. He accuses EJ of having knowledge he’s not sharing. EJ had no clue brain damage could result from a chest wound. He thinks Harris is an idiot and tries to send him on his way. Harris says he knows Stefan is working with Clyde as he’s the one who shot him.

EJ reminds Harris that there’s a mountain of evidence against Xander. Harris thinks Clyde, Stefan and EJ possibly framed Xander. Just then, Nicole arrives looking for Holly. EJ tries to get rid of Harris, but he’s not quite done.

Marlena and John’s Penthouse: Marlena and Steve sit and chat about John. Steve says it’s about his time as “the pawn.” Steve says he has a lot of shame for carrying out Victor’s orders. He goes on to tell her about Victor giving him a mission to carry out with “the pawn.” It was John’s first assignment, and they were to go after a man who was challenging his authority – Konstantin. He goes on to describe John with a gun and finding Konstantin knocked out and his daughter dead next to him. Marlena can’t believe John killed the girl. Steve didn’t see it happen (which has to be the key to everything) but thinks it was pretty easy to put it all together. They both think it’s possible it was all an accident. All Steve knew at the time was the message was complete and a girl was dead. He grabbed John and headed back to Salem.

Marlena asks why he never told anyone. Steve says he couldn’t bear the thought of telling anyone, including Kayla. He knows what it’s like to have his memories wiped clean. Steve wishes he could have taken this information to his grave.

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Black Patch: Konstantin show John a picture of Katarina. He doesn’t recognize her which confuses Konstantin as John is the person who killed her. Konstantin tells John the story Steve is relaying to Marlena. John is horrified to hear he may have been responsible for Katarina’s death. Konstantin said his only goal in life moving forward was to undermine Victor at every opportunity and find the man who killed his daughter. As he listens, tears roll down John’s cheek.

John can’t believe any of this is true and says he doesn’t remember anything. Konstantin promises to MAKE HIM PAY!!!! And makes his exit…

Salem PD – Lobby: Holly arrives and approaches Jada to speak with Tate. Jada irritates Holly by refusing to let her see Tate and reminding her about the break in. She tells Holly to have a seat so she can call Nicole to come get her.

Holly loses her cool saying Tate didn’t do anything wrong and she let him into the house. Just then, Nicole arrives. She thanks Jada for calling and says they are leaving immediately. Holly spies Tate through the window before they exit.

Previous Days of Our Lives (DAYS) Recap: Steve Tells Marlena They Need to Chat About John


EJ thinks Harris is pulling explanations out his ass as he has no proof of Stefan’s guilt. Harris promises to take down every “dirty bastard” involved.

Jada tells Tate that EJ has decided not to press charges. Tate can return to the halfway house but is required to where an ankle monitor to track his movements. However, there is now a restraining order keeping him 100 yards from Holly.

Konstantin guzzles a drink and looks at a picture of Katarina.

John stands outside the penthouse looking at the same picture and remembering Konstantin’s words. He opens the door and hears Marlena talking to Steve. John is gutted to hear both Steve and Marlena discussing how the “truth” would destroy him. John enters and is devastated Steve knew about Katarina and chose to keep in the dark but tell Marlena.

Keep checking back for the latest Days of Our Lives recaps!