Days of Our Lives Recap: EJ Confronts Sloan About Kidnapping Jude
On today’s Days of Our Lives recap:
Kiriakis Mansion: John and Marlena arrive, and Maggie tells them about her engagement to Konstantin. Marlena gives her an icy congratulations. Maggie explains about the immigration issues and says she thinks she owes him. She also thinks Victor would want her to help his friend. Just then, Konstantin walks in and says he hopes they will both attend their nuptials.
Maggie says she needs to head to an AA meeting with Theresa. Konstantin takes the opportunity and asks John to stay for a drink. Marlena reluctantly agrees and she and Maggie exit. They make small talk about Maggie when Konstantin reminds John about the plan to deal with the pre-nup. John doesn’t seem to understand until Konstantin pulls out THE CARD! John transitions into The Pawn and reminds him about his new mission.
John begins working on the safe when Konstantin hears a noise. He runs to the door to find Maggie has returned to grab a chip for someone who’s having a sobriety anniversary. When she tries to go into the living room, he stops her just a little to forcefully.
Horton Square: Sloan watches as Eric and Nicole dote over a fussy Jude. Sloan approaches and Nicole quickly makes her exit. An annoyed Sloan asks about why he’s there with Nicole.
DiMera Mansion – Holly’s Room: Holly and Tate are exchanging adorable texts as she does her homework. She gets a text from her new friend Sophia and then gives herself a pep talk to finish her work. Nicole arrives and worries about how shaky and anxious Holly is.
DiMera Mansion – Front Door/Outside: An intoxicated Leo says he has delicious, life-changing tea to spill. EJ is getting angrier by the moment when Leo says he’s going to need huge money to reveal what he knows (the double entendre about the garden hose tickled me). Leo begins to drop hints about what he knows and EJ guesses it’s about Nicole. He gets irritated as Leo gets more and more long-winded. Leo hovers around a point when he brings up The Beatles and the song, “Hey Jude.”
EJ starts to get the point when Leo begins talking about children. His eyes widen when he realizes Leo is talking about baby Jude. EJ thinks Leo is just drunk. Leo goes into the explanation and blatantly says his and Nicole’s son didn’t die. He reminds EJ how he tried to tell them the truth but all he got was a black eye. EJ grabs him by the collar and threatens to do the same, once again.
Leo swears he had nothing to do with the baby switching and EJ lets him go. EJ can’t believe Leo hid this information from him. Leo says he tried to tell them but did blackmail Sloan. EJ reasons he’s no longer receiving money from Sloan and is now trying to blackmail him. EJ says he’s not going to pay him a single cent and heads back inside.
Sloan and Eric’s Digs: Eric swears he had no idea he would be working with Nicole at The Spectator. Sloan isn’t buying what he’s selling when Eric reminds her about walking out on him earlier in the day. Sloan doesn’t like how Eric spoke to her about Leo, and he apologizes for not being more trusting and forgiving. Sloan says it’s hurtful for him to think she’s a liar (Sloan, Sloan, Sloan…). Eric revisits the Leo issue and says he’s not buying what she’s selling about giving Leo money. Just then, he flashes back to the conversation he overheard between Leo and Sloan at The Spectator. He asks Sloan if Leo was blackmailing her.
Sloan admits Leo was blackmailing her with information from her past that he threatened to expose in his column. Sloan continues lying by saying she was worried about her law firm and that he might leave her (Sloan is good and Eric is oh so gullible). Eric says he’s going to “kill” Leo and storms out.
Sloan is holding Jude when EJ comes banging at the door. He storms in and inhales all the scenery when he calls her a “LYING BITCH!” He demands to know if Jude is his and Nicole’s son and tells her the jig is up.
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DiMera Mansion – Living Room: Nicole called Marlena to check on Holly. She arrives and Holly tells her about the anxiety associated with diving back into school after her overdose. Marlena takes her through some deep breathing and explains why it can be helpful. She suggests going to be early and getting a fresh start in the morning. Marlena goes on to say she’ll send a note to her teachers to remind them of what she’s dealing with. Holly agrees and heads upstairs to rest. Before Marlena can exit, Nicole asks her to stick around (Do they have Marlena on retainer?).
Nicole says Nicole can’t stop blaming herself for all Holly’s problems. Marlena says she did the very best she could, considering the circumstances. Nicole says she’ll do her best to control her guilt and try to remember Marlena’s sage words.
They move on to discussing Nicole’s new job at The Spectator with Eric. She says Sloan saw them in the square and Marlena shoots her a look. Nicole knows what Marlena is thinking and recounts multiple conversations they had previously.
Salem Inn – Leo’s Room: Drunk Leo is annoyed at himself for being a bad blackmailer. He gets a text from Sloan but ignores it. Just then, Eric comes banging at the door. Leo opens the door and Eric goes on the attack. Before all the details can be revealed, Leo passes out. Eric puts him into bed and very sweetly asks him how much he’s had to drink. Leo begins babbling about something and then almost gets sick. Eric rubs his back as Leo begins to cry over Dimitri.
Previous Days of Our Lives (DAYS) Recap: Leo Gets Drunk and Makes a Rash Decision
Konstantin lies saying he spilled tea on her carpet. Maggie doesn’t care and heads in to find John gone and the safe closed. She finds the chip and makes her way out the door. Konstantin calls after John and he returns with the pre-nup in hand.
Nicole acknowledges to Marlena she still has feelings for Eric. Marlena asks if she still loves her son but Nicole isn’t ready to go forward. She says she’s feeling tired and Marlena makes her exit. After she leaves, Nicole admits she will always love Eric.
Leo tells Eric he knows his actions are sometimes messed up. He admits he blackmailed Sloan and she didn’t deserve it. He apologizes and says he would never do anything like it again. Eric knows he shouldn’t forgive Leo but has compassion for him because he seems so lonely. Leo calls him “Father Eric” and says he has something to confess. Eric remembers he said something similar at Jude’s christening.
EJ says he’s going to have Sloan arrested for kidnapping and tells her about Leo’s confession. He knows baby Jude is actually his and Nicole’s baby. Sloan quickly gathers herself and says Leo was only half right.
Leo passes out before Eric can hear “his confession.”
EJ asks Sloan what she means about Leo being “half right.” She turns and tells him Jude is Nicole’s baby but he is not the father.
Keep checking back for the latest Days of Our Lives recaps!