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Should Billy and Phyllis Rekindle a Relationship on The Young and the Restless? (POLL)

Billy and Phyllis, Y&R

Billy and Phyllis, Y&R

Billy (Jason Thompson) and Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) have a soapy and tangled past, to put it mildly. 

Both are single. Billy found out Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) cheated on him with Adam (Mark Grossman). Phyllis was sniffing around Danny's (Michael Damian) sauce, but thankfully that storyline never came to a boil. 

Now that Phyllis is working for Billy at Abbott Chancellor, is it time for them to put their history behind them and embrace the moment–in and out of the boardroom? 

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Should Billy and Phyllis rekindle a relationship on The Young and the Restless?

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