Days of Our Lives Recap: Sophia Dumps Tate
On today’s Days of Our Lives recap:
DiMera Mansion – Living Room: EJ is on the phone with Paulina trying to explain why he cut Cat Green loose. She hangs up after demanding to see him tomorrow. Kristen arrives and also asks why he let Cat go. Kristen says she knew Cat was a fake the minute she met her. EJ moves along and asks his dear sister how she botched snatching Titan from the Kiriakis family.
Kristen said she didn’t botch anything and explained how Philip’s arrival screwed everything up. At that point, she gave Sarah the serum with no strings. EJ doesn’t understand and Kristen says she did it for love. EJ can’t believe Kristen gave away her leverage without any guarantees from Brady. Kristen thinks her brother is being cynical and is determined to prove him wrong.
University Hospital – Lobby: Kayla is chatting with Steve asking why Cat was released. Just then, Xander shows up with the serum for Sarah. Xander and Sarah explain the serum to Kayla along with the possible outcome. Kayla isn’t thrilled they have to trust Dr. Rolf and Kristen. Sarah pulls out Dr. Rolf’s notes as a guideline to figure out how to proceed. They discuss the pros and cons and eventually decide to go ahead with the injection.
The Bistro: Brady shows up to chat with Ava. They get right back into chatting about Tate and Sophia. They go back and forth about keeping confidences when Brady admits he know the duo slept together. They giggle about the situation and Ava says he hopes things work out for them. Brady tries to deflect but Ava is concerned Tate is over Holly (I kind of like she called herself Sophia’s surrogate mother).
Brady moves along and tells Ava how Kristen gave Sarah the serum that could heal her paralysis. Ava is thrilled for Sarah but can’t imagine Kristen is being altruistic. Brady explains the original deal where Kristen demanded Titan in exchange for the serum. However, Kristen changed her mind because he asked her. Ava is rightfully suspect, and Brady explains he used any potential future for their relationship as a bargaining tool. Ava wonders if he was being manipulative or if he has any thought they may reunite. Brady’s head tells him to run and his heart is with his daughter. Ava thinks he’s being naïve as Kristen always hears what she wants.
Marlena and John’s Penthouse: Tate and Sophia are getting hot and heavy when he calls her, “Holly.” She calls him on it but Tate didn’t realize what he did. Tate feels awful and is embarrassed. He tries to explain why he might have said Holly’s name and just wants to get back to business. Sophia wants Tate to admit he wishes he were with her former flame. He wants to do the right thing but doesn’t know what to do. Sophia simply asks if he wants to be with her or Holly. He doesn’t answer leading Sophia to dump him and make her exit.
Kiriakis Mansion: Holly flashes back to her last conversation with Maggie. In real-time, Maggie arrives and tells her about Kristen giving Sarah the serum without the family losing Titan. Further, Sarah and Xander are at the hospital trying to have the serum administered. Maggie shifts topics asking Holly what’s up with her. Holly reluctantly discusses her failed relationship with Tate and how she screwed it all up. Even after she tried to reunite with him, Sophia was an unexpected obstacle. Just then, Maggie gets a text and rushes out to the hospital.
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Tate arrives and tells Holly he’s done with Sophia.
The Bistro: Sophia arrives upset and Ava tells her to sit. She explains what happened with Tate and breaks down into tears.
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Brady arrives to see Kristen just as EJ gets a call from Paulina. Kristen updates Brady saying she delivered Dr. Rolf’s notes to Sarah and Xander. He gives her a bracelet and Kristen mistakenly thinks it’s for her but he says it’s for Rachel. Brady tells her how grateful he is for all she’s doing for Sarah, but it doesn’t change things between them. He can’t make any promises. With that, he exits. EJ returns and gets snarky about her potential future with her beloved.
Sophia tells Ava she dumped Tate and walked out. Ava is proud of her actions but Sophia feels used and humiliated. Ava pulls Sophia into a comforting embrace.
Tate tells Holly he made mistakes with both Sophia and her. He says he should have followed his instincts and reunited with Holly when she asked. Tate’s only ever wanted her. With that, they kiss.
Kayla arrives with a GIGANTIC SYRINGE to inject Sarah. They all ask if she wants to wait but Sarah is ready to get it done.
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