Days of Our Lives Recap: Kristen and Ava Throwdown Over Brady
On today’s Days of Our Lives recap:
University Hospital – Lobby: Maggie arrives and asks Kayla for an update on Sarah. Just then, Kristen arrives demanding an update. Kayla says she’s not allowed to tell Kristen anything as she’s not family (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). Maggie steps in and says there’s been no improvement. Kristen gets furious and stomps off to try to force progress. Maggie is grateful to Kristen for providing the serum but says, if she screws it up, she’ll “tear that Jezebel limb from limb.”
University Hospital – Sarah’s Room: Xander updates Sarah on his interactions with Victoria. They get all adorable before discussing the serums seeming lack of effectiveness. Just then, Kristen arrives and tries to take over by trying to hoist Sarah up out of the bed. Xander pulls Kristen away but she doubles down saying Sarah needs to show some gumption. With that, Xander grabs Kristen and throws her out the door.
Maggie and Kayla enter and discuss Kristen’s outburst. Maggie thinks Kristen is so involved because of Brady. Sarah thinks Kristen may have helped a bit and thinks she should make more of an effort. She’s ready to be fearless and Kayla agrees she can try to walk. With that, Xander pulls Sarah to the side of the bed and she tries to stand but then falls.
Brady Pub: Brady is hanging out when Ava approaches. She’s a wee icy and sits at a different table. He approaches and asks if he did something wrong. Ava says she’s annoyed by his jack ass of a son. She proceeds to explain how Tate called Sophia, Holly when they were in bed together. Brady is aghast but says Tate was trying to give the relationship with Sophia a shot. Ava notes that was only because they slept together and Tate shouldn’t have led her on. Brady reminds Ava his son is a teenager and they both may have made relationship mistakes in their younger years. Ava smiles slyly and agrees.
Ava and Brady make nice and shift to discussing Sarah before preparing to leave. They agree they’re good and Ava says it means a lot to her that they are friends. Brady agrees and the two embrace, just as Kristen enters. Ava tries to diffuse the situation saying they’re just friends. Kristen inquires about their common interests and Ava says they just like to talk. They switch to discussing Sarah and Kristen encourages Brady to go see her. Brady agrees and quickly makes his exit. Ava tries to exit but Kristen halts her progress.
Kristen tells Ava to stop sniffing around Brady and notes how she’s constantly taking other friend’s men. Ava says they are no longer friends as Kristen betrayed her trust and fired her. Kristen reminds Ava she saved her life once and demands her not to throw herself at the man she loves. Ava and Kristen GO HARD at each other. Ava reminds Kristen she’s no longer with Brady. Kristen thinks it’s only a matter of time, but Ava says that’s not what she heard.
Horton Square: Tate and Holly are holding hands, giggling and talking about their reunion. As they make out, Sophia approaches. Tate apologies and Sophia wishes “the two lovebirds” luck but tells Holly not to be surprised if Tate calls out her name in bed. With that, Tate rushes Holly away.
Aaron arrives and walks up on Sophia eating a big ass piece of cake. She says she deserves it as she avoided committing murder in the square. He takes a seat and Sophia tells him Tate and Holly are back together. Aaron is confused and Sophia gives an explanation. Aaron can’t believe Tate did what he did but says it could be worse. Aaron makes note of his brother being in jail for attempted murder and an interested Sophia sits back to listen.
Sophia can’t believe she’s been going on about her love life when Aaron has so much family drama. With that, she pushes the cake towards him and he takes a bite.
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Kiriakis Mansion: Tate and Holly settle in, and she notes how weird their encounter with Sophia was. Holly feels badly for her but can’t understand why Sophia said what she did. Tate explains what happened between the two of them in bed and the aftermath. Holly thought Tate broke up with Sophia and now wonders if that’s why he got back with her. Tate says she is everything to him and Holly admits the same. With that, they get to kissing and Holly asks if he wants to go upstairs. Tate says they don’t need to rush things and doesn’t want to make a mistake. They both agree to wait so it will be special when they are together and plan a proper date.
University Hospital – Lobby: Brady approaches and asks Xander about Sarah. They catch up on Kristen’s antics and how Sarah is still unable to walk. Brady says he’s sorry but Xander stops him and apologizes himself.
University Hospital – Sarah’s Room: Sarah tells Maggie she doesn’t want to let Xander down as he seems so guilty about Fiona causing the accident. She thinks if she doesn’t recover he will never feel better.
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Aaron quickly downs the cake and says it helped a bit. He says he should go study but Sophia wonders if he wants to go do something fun. Aaron is confused but game. Sophia wants to check out the first episode of Body & Soul and the two leave arm in arm.
Holly and Tate take a break from studying and he plays music so they can dance.
Kristen demands to know what Brady told Ava. She says Brady never promised to get back together with her even after she gave Sarah the serum. Kristen can’t believe Brady would share that kind of information but Ava reminds her they’re friends. With that, Ava winks at Kristen and exits.
Xander tells Brady he’s sorry for so many things, including blaming him for Sarah’s accident. Xander immediately offers him an opportunity to return to Basic Black and Brady accepts.
Sarah asks Maggie to check on Xander but first wants her to bring over her food. Maggie trips and knocks a bottle of after into Sarah’s lap. Sarah looks up and says, “I felt that.”
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