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Days of Our Lives Recap: Julie Opens up to Chad About Her Devastating Grief

Days of Our Lives Recap for January 10, 2025
Susan Seaforth Hayes, Billy Flynn

Susan Seaforth Hayes, Billy Flynn

On today’s Days of Our Lives recap:

Horton House: Julie is sitting alone, in the dark on the sofa when Chad arrives home. He turns on the lights and she lies, saying she dozed off. She tells him she dreads going upstairs and puts it off as long as she can because Doug is gone. Chad suggests they hang out and catch up. Julie says she knows he understands about the pain and loneliness involved in losing a spouse. She regrets not doing more for Doug in the days and weeks prior to his death and now it’s too late. Chad reminds Julie she was an incredible wife, and Doug was lucky to have her. He believes the feeling of not doing enough is a part of the grieving process as he felt it as well.

Julie thanks Chad for his kind words but also worries about him re-grieving Abigail with the whole Cat Greene debacle. Chad assures Julie he’s moving on as Cat left town. He explains how Cat took her family to Vancouver to see about Mama Greene. Julie feels certain Chad has different feelings for Cat than she does. He admits Vancouver changed things for him as he saw how devoted she was to her mother. Chad hasn’t forgiven her but understands her actions. Julie wonders if he has romantic feelings for Cat. They chat a bit more when Chad gets a text from The Spectator. He has to go in and Julie assures him that she will be fine. Before Chad leaves, he suggests Julie chat with Marlena as it was very helpful to him.

Kiriakis Mansion – Holly’s Room: Holly asks Dougie the real reason he didn’t want to call the police. He explains he had a run-in with police before he got to Salem. He was involved in a bar fight and was in jail for a few days. Holly doesn’t understand as he was the victim of a mugging. That being said, she’s certain there’s more to the story.

Dougie admits to lying about being mugged and says he was paying off money he owed their boss. They beat him up because he was short of the total payment. He goes on to say the money he pulled together… and then asks if he can trust her. She says he can and Dougie admits he did something illegal to gather the funds. She asks if he stole the money, and Dougie tells Holly the ENTIRE story about the stolen necklace. Holly is horrified by his actions. Dougie is, as well, but explains why he did what he did. He’s willing to admit to his illegal dealings but can’t stand the thought of disappointing Julie.

Holly says she will keep the promise not to tell anyone his story. She doesn’t approve but understands why he did what he did. Dougie says he’s going to have to get a job and save money as quickly as he can. Holly suggests maybe she could give him the money.

Kiriakis Mansion – Living Room: Xander tells Sarah his first day working with Philip was awful and reviews the details. Sarah gives Xander a rubdown as they continue discussing business and his plan to take on DiMera. Sarah inquires and Xander explains his plan to take over DiMera Enterprises and why Philip shot it down. Sarah is aghast at how Xander planned to accomplish his nefarious goals. Xander assures Sarah he would do nothing to separate himself from her and their amazing daughter. They are what is most important to him. Sarah promises to devote her life to keeping him in line and being a doctor. She’s ready to head back to work full-time.

Titan: Philip is on the phone with Kate when Stephanie approaches the door and overhears his conversation with Kate about the forged letter. He hangs up with Kate and Stephanie scoots away from the door. She re-enters and they make small talk about his first day in the office. She wastes no time confronting him about the forged letter. Philip tries to explain but Stephanie doubles down. Philip admits the truth about the letter and explains how Vivian was behind the entire plan. She convinced him Victor would want him to run Titan. Stephanie thinks Philip is a complete fraud. Further, she thinks he has put both her career and Belle’s in danger. Stephanie is mortified by his behavior. She tells Philip he will never change. Stephanie heads towards the door and Philip says she’s looking for any excuse to actually be with Alex. She has no time for his foolishness and makes a quick exit.

Horton Square: Cat approaches the table where Marlena is sitting and re-introduces herself. Marlena remembers all about Cat and her attempt to make everyone believe she was Abigail. That being said, she also knows about the Clyde Weston component of her actions. Cat nods in agreement but says she’s there to talk about John. She says she wants to talk to John and asks for his number. Marlena says he’s out of town for now and offers her own ear.

Cat says her mother explained to her what happened in Greece all those years ago. Marlena invites her to sit down so she can hear the story. Cat explains John actually saved both her mother and grandmother. Her grandmother’s marriage to Konstantin was very abusive and she reached out to Victor for help. He sent John over to fake Mama Greene’s death which eventually allowed mother and daughter escape to the states. Marlena is thrilled to learn John was actually the hero in this story. She knows John will be thrilled to know the truth and thanks Cat for sharing the story. Cat is happy to finally bring good news to someone in Salem.

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Marlena asks about Cat’s plans. She says she’s going to stick around Salem with Felicity while Aaron stays in Vancouver with their mother (boo!). She says she has to find a job and Marlena notes she’s looking for a new assistant. Cat is thrilled at the prospect and agrees to call in the morning to set up an interview.

Previous Days of Our Lives (DAYS) Recap: Kristen and Brady do Battle Over Rachel


Dougie thinks he owes way more than she knows. Holly tells him to look around and note how rich her grandmother is. She could ask her for a loan. They go back and forth for a bit before Dougie accepts her help if she agrees to let him pay her back. With that, Holly exits with Dougie’s bloody shirt.

Julie heads towards the staircase and struggles to begin the long, painful climb. Halfway up, she decides she can’t do it and returns to the living room. She looks at Doug’s picture on the mantle, grabs a blanket and lies down on the sofa.

Cat is on the phone with Mrs. Brown thanking her for helping with Felicity while she tries to find a job. She gets up and runs smack into Chad.

Marlena is standing outside the Brady Pub talking to Shane. She asks if he can get her in touch with John as there’s a story he needs to here.

Xander sits in the Kiriakis living room being all kinds of pissed Victor screwed up his life by writing the letter to Philip.

Philip sits in the office at Titan trying to make up with Stephanie via voicemail. He also needs to know she won’t tell anyone about the letter.

Sarah is leaving files on Kayla’s desk when Stephanie arrives. She tells Sarah she and Philip just got into a huge fight about Xander. They chat a bit about Xander and Philip at Titan. Stephanie wastes no time saying Philip has no business being co-CEO at all.

Keep checking back for the latest Days of Our Lives recaps!