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Perkie’s Observations: Cyrus Targets Michael as His Next Victim on General Hospital

General Hospital Recap for January 10, 2025
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Jeff Kober, Brook Kerr

Jeff Kober, Brook Kerr

On the latest General Hospital recap:

Drew reminds Carly she's the one who brought Sonny into Michael's life, which is why he's now in the hospital. Carly doesn't want to hear it, but Drew says he's just speaking the truth. He says nothing she's done is about what's best for MIchael. Carly turns it back on him, pointing out that he had sex with Willow and never thought once about Michael. She says he did her a favor dumping her and Drew says he's happier away from her.

Willow doesn't want to hear it, but Josslyn believes Willow will end up dumping Drew for the next hero. Willow claims she loves Michael and she's praying for his recovery. Josslyn calls Willow skeevy, which Nina overhears and tells Josslyn to knock it off. Josslyn continues to needle Willow, so Nina accuses her of being like Carly. Josslyn accuses them both of being lying liars whose pants are on fire and warns Willow to stay away from Michael.

Sonny prays to Morgan for help because he's worried Michael won't pull through and asks he watch over him. Isaiah happens up there and Sonny thanks him for the help he gave. Isaiah questions Sonny's health at this difficult time.

Lucy takes Jens to Bobbie's and gives him the lay of the land of Port Charles population. (I’m not sure why this needed to be in this episode. Also isn't he a wanted man? Shouldn't he be hiding out?)

Jack tells Colette he thinks the WSB may be partly to blame for the explosion. He says the device sounds like something they designed years ago. He wants them to find out who had it out for Sonny who would have access to the specs of the device. Colette asks about the satellite footage of Dex' stabbing and says it can't use it for civilian cases. Jack agrees but says he can lead Josslyn to the killer.

Felicia tells Maxie and Sasha about Michael and Sasha heads out to the hospital. The two seem surprised by Sasha's reaction. Felicia tells Maxie it's possible for Michael to recover.

Portia updates Jason, telling him Michael is in shock, and they need to manage his pain. She says he'll be heavily sedated or unconscious for the next few days which is the best thing for him.

Ava tells Ric while she has money, she was counting on the settlement from Nikolas for some work at the gallery. Ric reminds her the money belongs to the estate while she argues it was hers. Ric says Alexis as the trustee is the only one who has the power to make decisions. Ava asks if Ric can somehow talk to Alexis on her behalf.

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Alexis and Diane discuss what happened to Michael while Cyrus eavesdrops. Cyrus complains to Martin the hospital is restricting his access to patients. Martin says there are a lot of places Cyrus can spew the Lord's work that doesn't involve the hospital.

Ric approaches Alexis and pleads Ava's case but she says it's not her money to give out. Alexis says Ava won't see a penny of the money

Jason finds Sasha crying at Michael's doorway and tells her they don't know if he'll make it. Sasha says Michael has been there for her and he's a good man. Jason offers to drive Sasha home since she's so upset. 

Sonny joins Carly in at the chapel and lets her know the doctors will have an update soon. Sonny admits to her whoever did it was after him. Carly tells him what Drew said but Sonny says she made the best choice she could at the time. Sonny says he was supposed to protect Michael from all of this and the two just want him to be okay. 

Previous General Hospital (GH) Recap: Josslyn and Willow Bump Their Hypocritical Heads 

Jack tells Josslyn there was no satellite footage but is sending her a list of whoever was in Rice Plaza that day. He tells her to speak to the witnesses and Josslyn agrees she owes Dex. Josslyn talks to Felicia who admits there is something about that day that was weird. The ding of the elevator brings it back to her and Felicia says Cyrus was ringing his bell for donations, but the sound stopped when Dex was stabbed.

Willow thanks Nina from mean ole Joss but thinks maybe she can get through to Carly. Nina says Carly won't be there for her and tells her about Diane taking custody of the kids. Drew shows up so Willow tells him that he needs to help her get her kids back. 

Drew believes Carly is taking her revenge and Nina says they have to petition for an emergency custody hearing. Drew thinks it might be next week before anything can happen. Willow worries about the kids, but Nina says there is no other recourse at the moment.

Drew says Willow is still Michael's medical proxy and she should use it as a bargaining chip to get the kids back. He says she can deny everyone access to Michael, but Willow says she won't do it. Drew says Carly is angry at both of them and this could be her only leverage.

Carly and Sonny check in with Portia and ask about burn facilities that they can get MIchael into. Willow shows up, reminds everyone she's Michael's wife and will make all the decisions for his care from now on.

Cyrus lets himself into Michael's room and tells him that his suffering will be over because God is calling him home. He injects Digitalis in Michael's IV.

Keep checking back for the latest General Hospital recaps!